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    The leaner, cleaner Client List.

    Mark Demicoli  23 March 2011 05:05:46 PM
    After the last major update to the Booking Form, we fielded many complaints about the performance of the Client search, especially on handheld devices like the iPhone.  (No we are still not officially supporting any handheld devices, however many users report that ClickBook works fine on the more recent iPhone and Android-based models).

    Well, we've basically re-written the way it works and should (theoretically) receive less complaints and more applause!  The new version, instead of downloading ALL of your clients (when you sign-in and every time there is an update), does a real-time search in the background and reports the closest matches.

    Image:The leaner, cleaner Client List.

    If you don't like the new Client List, you can easily switch back to the old one.  So, what do you think?