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Duplicated Client Files can now be Merged

Mark Demicoli  15 February 2011 09:43:53 PM
Client Files can often become duplicated due to a number of reasons:
  • Accidental creation of duplicate files
  • Clients registering more than once with different email addresses
  • Clients using slightly different names when making a booking

This situation can create an administrative headache, since bookings, notes and details for the same person can appear separately in multiple files, making it difficult to view an accurate history and do proper accounting.

If you've logged in today, you may have noticed tickboxes next to Client File entries in the Clients panel.  ClickBook will now allow you to merge Client Files (2 or more) into a single file, combining all bookings and notes, and using the most up-to-date details from the set of duplicate files.

To use this feature, simply select the Client Files which are duplicated and click on the Merge Clients link in the drop-down which will appear automatically.

The screen will display two new options "Test Run" and "Merge Now".  The Test Run is useful for you to understand and gain confidence in the feature.  By clicking Test Run first, ClickBook will show you exactly what it will do with the selected files, without actually changing anything.  Once you're happy with this, you can click Merge Now to actually do the merge.

This new feature will in future be extended to perform merges automatically based on certain rules, which you'll be able to set.